Wednesday, October 13, 2010

4 days and counting

yes folks only 4 days till I go round the bay... well part of it anyway lol.

I have managed to get in the last week 3 pump classes, 3 rpm classes, one boxing class, one step combo class, tomorrow will be another boxing class, do you think I have done enough to be ready for my ride???

I took my friend with me to RPM last night, she gave me evil looks throughout the class and told me she hated the class and probably me too, but today she loves me again and isn't too sore so I might get her back again!

My friend Claire has been very busy lately and is featured in her first magazine article in this months issue of Homespun. She also has created her first softie using Mellys beautiful new range of fabrics

She brought him into our sewing group the other night, but he had lost an eye and some teeth and we all thought he was very cute being a one eyed monster.... we were thinking of names for him but I don't think Maddie the monster is going to stick!!

I can also brag here that I have another very talented friend, Anita who recently quilted a stunning quilt for Melly, she quilted my daughters quilt and our camping quilt, which I think I have posted about in much early posts.

While I am spreading the word about my very talented friends I should also mention Jennifer who made herself the bestest nappy bag ever!! She got some of Rosalie Quinlands plastic coated fabrics and came up with a cracker of a design. We were out fabric shopping a few weeks ago and several ladies commented on her bag... she should make up the pattern as I know there are many bag ladies out there! I personally love Bruce posing, versace eat your heart out!!

One of the things I love about my blog is my blogroll. I can read all about other peoples lives, some of these ladies I know and some I have gotten to know through reading their blogs. I have met a few of these very talented ladies (and their partners) selling their beautiful crafts and creations at markets. I hope to meet some more of you in the not too distant future.

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