Here is the first of my photos from my trip to the UK. I hope you enjoy sharing a little of my journey.

We arrived in London at 6.30am and we all managed to keep awake all day and of course slept like logs the first night which was great to get into our new time zone (coming home was a different matter lol).

This is Hammersmith Bridge, its still made from wood and moves when the cars and buses drive across it. They actually limit the amount of buses during peak hour so the bridge doesnt collapse.

Always a stunning sight to see when you step out of the tube station and there is Big Ben and the houses of parliment right in front of you. The froglet was in awe that during the Blitz that these stunning buildings missed being destroyed.

We went on the London eye and had a great view from above, the girls enjoyed being able to see many of the sights we were planing to visit in our coming days in London.

Westminster Abbey was unfortnately closed to the public the day we arrived but we loved the designs and many gargoyles on the outside of the Abbey.

Quite a few gruesome and scarey looking beasties considering its a church. The doors and stonework was amazing and now with the modern age of digital cameras I was able to capture many pictures that with old style cameras and film you couldnt afford!