The Easter bunny has come to our house this year.... and had his little head caved in and his ears are no more, at least he cant hear us when we descend upon him to devour the rest of his body (moohawhawhawhaw...evil laugh!)
I have managed to start and finish another one of my UFO's this one is for my mum who has quite a lot of quilts and things that I have made for her over the years, but felt it was time for a new quilt to brighten up her room.
This morning I had to take my friend to the airport to go up to Queensland for a little holiday, I take care of his car which I get to drive around if I desire... the girls love his car, its a Audi and can go from 1 to 80 in about 3 seconds... don't ask me how I know this :) The worst part about this was that I had to get up at 4.30am, and being Easter Sunday there was nothing open at 5am so I came home and went back to bed for a few hours.
I managed to get up and go down to the market and pick up 4 books, 2 of the Diane Gabalon series and another 2 that my book lady recommended to me as a lighter read than the others.
I was inspired by the baby bats photos and took a few of my own around the back yard.
I took the girls to the park the other day with some other friends and their kids and was surprised to see how well the noisy one can kick a footy!
the froglet whooped for joy as there was swings there, and although she is now 15 I am glad to see she still can have fun (takes after me!! I'm still a big kid). I was laying back on the picnic rug and saw above me in the tree a Tawney Frog mouth... his head is tucked back so he looks a bit headless!
Hope you are all having a lovely long weekend and are making the most of being able to eat loads of chocolate.
Happy Easter Libster
Like the colours on your mothers quilt top. Fresh and alive. Sorry about the bunny.
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