OHHHHHH so shiny and newwwwwwwwwww.
As it says its a GIANT cypress, the ideal ladies bike.... wait till you see my gnarly seat!!
It comes with its own ventilation system... hope I don't get high winds LOL.
Shimano gears... the fisherman would rather the shimano fishing reels!
a shiny water bottle cage perches at the front of the bike for quick access for re hydration
An odometer all ready to clock up the mega kms!
Paul and Nicola are the people to see if you want a new bike or even if you already have a bike they can service your bike, set you up with all the gear AND they make coffee!!
Thanks guys for my new wheels!
They are called bike n bean and are to be found on 5/795 Plenty Rd, South Morang VIC 3752 (03) 9437 8501 They are right near Spotlight!!! I know all my crafty friends will now know exactly where they are!
I have a bell that goes BING! mind you I don't think this bell or really anything smaller than a fog horn would stop someone in a car who was cutting me off!
There she is in all her beauty :).... gunna ride her in the morning down to the gym and do an RPM class (yes I know ride to a riding class!) better not rain!!! Gosh might even give her a name... any suggestions??