So my fisherman bought me for christmas a solar monkey! He was so pleased with himself for finding something for me that I will be able to use on my next great Vic adventure. I am rather chuffed too as this will help me charge my garmin and phone with ease.
Of course I went for a christmas morning ride... I wore my christmas socks..... and wasabi had her christmas balls on too.
After christmas we went for a ride up to kinglake and had donuts at the flying tarts.... and then a few days ago I discovered hot cross buns in store!!! oh my! but Im on a special diet and these are definately not on my allowed list... sob.
Today I rode out at 6am to avoid the heat.... we did 60km and rewarded ourselves with a frozen spider... and yes these arent on my diet either....
I hope that everyone is in a cool spot today in the heat and for those on the other side of the pond that you are snuggled up watching the snow fall.